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The Problem Solving Model in Online Marketing

Setting an objective, defining an ideal audience, creating ad parameters, sticking to a media budget, exploring approaches for retargeting, the list goes on and on.

When it comes to all of the decisions an agency needs to make when running a Facebook ad campaign for their clients, it’s easy to forget about how to structure the ad itself.

While our team at ConvertiX believes it’s far from possible to confine every campaign to a specific formula, we have discovered a simple rule-of-thumb that we like to keep in mind when writing our copy. We call it, ‘The Problem-Solution’ model. Sounds simple enough, right?

The concept behind this model is far from original. After all, advertising at its very core is both the art and the science behind convincing consumers that your product is the solution to their problem.

This simple structure is often forgotten in the midst of trying to keep up with ever-changing marketing strategy and desire to break the mold. No matter how much you wish to differentiate yourself from other marketers or competitors, your content should always seek to solve a real consumer issue.

Otherwise, you fail to create a proper value proposition.

There are four main components to this model: the problem, the solution, the call-to-action, and the accompanying graphic. Each plays an important role in engaging with the right Facebook users.

The Problem

This is the potential issue you present to your audience. Ask yourself: “Is this a problem my audience is invested in solving or preventing from happening?” If the answer is yes, then your copy should serve as a hook to catch the attention of users scrolling by your ad.

The Solution

This is your product’s time to shine. This part might sound intuitive, but you’ll be surprised how many marketers fail to establish the connection between the problem and the actual product as it’s accompanying solution. Don’t be vague about it either, it should be very clear to whoever reads the ad that your product is a definitive solution to their problem.


Your audience now has a problem they can resonate with and a potential solution to that problem. Once upon a time, that might have been enough to secure a conversion. However, in today’s digital landscape, the congestion of content is so competitive that you can’t take any chances. A call-to-action is an absolute must. Urge your audience to take action on this newfound information you’ve provided them.

The Visual

If you’re looking to do something outside of the norm, the visual is a great opportunity to try it out. Visuals catch much more attention than blocks of texts, as they’re easier and quicker to take in. Your visual should be eye-catching enough to stop someone from scrolling long enough so that they also read the accompanying caption.

So as you head into your next Facebook campaign, remember to ask questions like “Is this a problem my audience cares about?” and “Is my visual scroll-stopping?” which should keep you from deviating too far from your campaign’s original goals and ensure your ad stays relevant.

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ConvertiX is a digital advertising company that provides its customers with professional solutions. We are experts on all things in the realm of digital marketing and produce results that will make your investment worthwhile.

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